Company Name: OIL INDIA
Designation: Senior Officer
Total Vacancy: 55
Last Date to Apply: 15/03/2022

OIL INDIA recruitment 2022 without GATE | Senior Officer | Rs. 60,000/- PM | Latest Job Update

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Oil India Limited, Assam has released the recruitment for the Grade B and Grade C recruitment for 55 vacancies on the official website on 21st February 2022. The recruitment has been released against the Advt. No. EX RECT/2022/01. Oil India Limited is a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking that is going to fill the Indian Nationals for Grade C and Grade D. The interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website or from the direct link provided below from 21st February 2022 to 15th March 2022. In this article, we are providing you the details like important dates, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, selection process, and much more.

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Overview

Oil India Limited, Assam has released the official notification for the recruitment of 50 vacancies for Grade C and Grade B. For the ease of candidates, we have summarized all the important information in the table below.

Name of Organization Oil India Limited, Assam
Post Grade C and Grade B
Vacancies 55
Advt. No. EX RECT/2022/01
State Assam
Notification Released 21st February 2022
Official Website

Exam Center : Guwahati only

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Important Dates

Candidates must go through the important dates released in the notification for further proceedings.

Activity Dates
Notification released 21st February 2022
Apply Online starts 21st February 2022
Last date to apply 15th March 2022

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details

Oil India Limited has released 55 vacancies in Grade B and Grade C for Assam State on the official website. The vacancy distribution has been as follows:

Grade Name of the Post No. of Vacancies
Grade C Manager (ERP-HR) (ERP 01) 01
Superintending Engineer (Environment) (ENV 02) 02
Superintending Medical Officer
(Radiology) (MD 03)
Superintending Medical Officer
(Paediatrics) (MD 04)
Grade B Senior Medical Officer (MD 05) 01
Senior Security Officer (SO 06) 01
Senior Officer (Civil) (CE 07) 02
Senior Officer (Electrical) (EE 08) 08
Senior Officer (Instrumentation)
(INS 09)
Senior Officer (Mechanical) (ME 10) 20
Senior Officer (Public Affairs) (PA 11) 04
Senior Accounts Officer / Senior
Internal Auditor (AC 12)
Senior Officer (HR) (HR 13) 03
Total 55

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for Oil India Limited Assam has released the official notification for 55 vacancies. The educational qualification and age limit have been provided below.

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Educational Qualification

Name of the Post Educational Qualification
Manager (ERP-HR) (ERP 01) Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in any discipline of
minimum 04 years duration with minimum 65% marks with SAP HCM certificate and has 03 years post qualification experience
Superintending Engineer (Environment) (ENV 02) a)Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with a minimum of 65% marks OR Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Engineering of minimum 4 years duration with a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering of minimum 2 years duration with a minimum of 60% marks OR Master’s degree in Environmental Science of minimum 2 years duration with a minimum of 60% marks
b)Having a minimum 3 years post qualification experience
Superintending Medical Officer
(Radiology) (MD 03)
MD (Radio Diagnosis) from a reputed Medical College/University recognized by the Medical Council of India with working knowledge of computer tomography and/or MRI and should be familiar with the use of computers
Superintending Medical Officer
(Paediatrics) (MD 04)
MD (Paediatrics) / DNB (Paediatrics) from a reputed
Medical College/University recognized by Medical Council of India/ DNB (Paediatrics) conducted by the National Board of Examinations.
Senior Medical Officer (MD 05) MBBS from a reputed Medical College/ University
recognized by the Medical Council of India with minimum 02 years post qualification experience
Senior Security Officer (SO 06) Graduate of minimum 3 years duration in any discipline from a University/Institute recognized by Govt. of India
and approved by UGC/appropriate statutory authority with a minimum 2 years post qualification experience
Senior Officer (Civil) (CE 07) Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Civil Engineering with minimum 65% marks.
Senior Officer (Electrical) (EE 08) Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Electrical Engineering with minimum 65% marks
(Excluding Electrical & Communication Engineering/
Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering etc.)
Senior Officer (Instrumentation) (INS 09) Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in Instrumentation Engineering with a minimum of 65% marks (Excluding Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Power Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering etc.)
Senior Officer (Mechanical) (ME 10) Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 4 years duration in
Mechanical Engineering with minimum of 65% marks
(Excluding Automation/ Automobile/ Industrial / Power
/ Manufacturing/ Production / Mechatronics /Mining/ Marine/Robotics Engineering etc.)
Senior Officer (Public Affairs) (PA 11) Post Graduate Degree in Mass Communication / Public
Relations / Social Work / Rural Management of
minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks
Senior Accounts Officer / Senior
Internal Auditor (AC 12)
Associate Member of ICAI/ICMAI
Senior Officer (HR) (HR 13) MBA with Specialization in Personnel Management
/HR/HRD/HRM of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks OR Post Graduate Degree in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations / Labour Welfare of minimum 2 years duration with minimum 60% marks OR Minimum 2 years full-time Post-Graduate Diploma in PM/IR/Labour Welfare with
minimum 60% marks OR PGDM / MBA with Specialization in HR from IIM with minimum 60% marks of minimum 2 years duration.(major in HR)

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Age Limit

The candidates must note that the age limit will be according to the post mentioned in the official notification PDF. The minimum age should be 27 years and the maximum age limit should be 37 years.

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Application Fees

  • The application fees will be non refundable.
  • The candidates of General/OBC (NCL) has to pay 500 + Applicable taxes.
  • SC/ST/PwBD/EWS/Ex-Servicemen no fees.

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Selection Process

The selection process of Grade C and Grade B will be same and it will be in three steps and 2 phases as follows:

  1. Computer Based Test (CBT)
  2. Group Discussion (GD)/Group Task(GT)*
  3. Personal Interview (PI)

Oil India Limited Recruitment 2022: Exam Pattern 

The detailed exam pattern for Grade C and Grade B has been provided below. Candidates must check this before preparation. The candidates qualifying Phase I, Computer Based Test will be eligible for the Group Discussion and Interview.

Selection Test Total Marks Qualifying Marks
Phase I Computer Based Test
(Weightage 85%)
50% for General,
40% for SC, ST and
Phase II Group Discussion
(GD)/Group Task(GT)
(Weightage 5%)
No qualifying marks
Personal Interview (PI) 10
(Weightage 10%)
No qualifying marks

Exam Center : Guwahati only

Important Links:

Official Website: Click here

Notification : Click here

Apply Link : Click here



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